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Trak-It SP
All aspects of any order for the same address/agent combination are kept together. This is the key that makes most of the Trak-It SP features possible.
Main Features
- New! An E-Mail Confirmation option is now available. This option automatically opens a pre-filled e-mail confirmation window whenever an order is closed and the agent has requested confirmation. Just click the OK button to send the e-mail. You can even attach photos!
- The complete process from receiving the first order to removing the last post is tracked and immediately available for review by entering the address or work order number.
- The agent and property address information is only entered once - in a Master Order - for any agent/address combination no matter how many signs, directional signs (up and down), resets, relocations, or other changes may be made at that address.
- When entering new orders the address is checked and any previous orders with matching addresses (or nearly matching such as 1234 Beach or 1234 Beech) will be shown in a list view. This minimizes duplicate orders and even allows you to 'auto-fill' the current order using the same address as a previous order. Example
- All orders for any one address/agent combination are kept together so it is always possible to determine how many signs are up, how long they have been up, and exactly what other additions, relocations, etc. have been done for that address.
- A complete list of all signs currently installed for any given customer can be determined in seconds. If desired, the report can even be attached to an e-mail and sent out immediately.
- Numerous default settings are available for pricing and sign types. This minimizes the work required to enter an order and allows special pricing to be set up for clients when necessary.
- Builds monthly invoices with a click of a button. Invoices include a detailed list of work completed plus past-due amounts. User selectable options include adding monthly extension charges and interest on past due amounts.
- Invoices include user defined Terms and a General Comment (e.g., Merry Christmas) at the bottom of the page and an optional client specific comment that appears just below the Invoice Total on that client's invoice.
- All past invoices remain immediately accessible for reference - by client, by invoice date, or by invoice number. Reprints will even include payments that were applied to that invoice.
- Every effort has been made to avoid duplication of data entry. Plus, data entry time is minimized through such techniques as lookups and auto-completion when typing.
- Posts can be tracked either by Expiration date or by applying a monthly Extension Fee after xx months. (The choice of Expiration, Rent, or None and the number of months before extension charges are added, the default extension rate, and the default expiration time is set in the Program Options form.)
- Tracks specific signs up/down to facilitate extension charges. (extension charges are optional)
- Optional password protection for Invoice and Revenue information.
- Default settings are available to make data entry faster. Defaults exist for standard Company items (post color, size, etc.) and for Agent preferences; i.e., when an agent generally requests the same things on all orders, just set them as defaults.
- Standard price lists are used as the primary default but most items can be priced separately for each client. This provides the ability to negotiate prices with customers when necessary yet maintains the ability to update most customer prices by just changing the standard price list.
- Users must log in so the name can be tracked in the orders. This makes it easier for drivers to direct questions to the right person.
- Work Order Query. This allows special searches for groups of records having common criteria. Typically this would be used to find "lost" orders. For example, find all Relocate orders for a specific date (or date range) to find out if one was accidentally assigned to the wrong address.
- See also the Versions page which lists all the new useability features, report updates, etc. that have been added.
There are many other features that you can see for yourself by downloading the trial version from the main page or go to the Reports page to learn about reporting capabilities.
AIMS DataCom, Inc. - Custom Database Applications
This site created and maintained by Cal Locklin, CALocklin@chartermi.net, using 1st Page 2000.
Last update: 09-Oct-03
This site may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without prior written consent.