These were photos taken by my daughter Cara during her first flight in a small plane - with her dad as pilot. (Cessna-152, N4773L)
Most of these are taken from an altitude of about 2000 ft. above ground. (Cessna-152, N4773L)
GM Proving Grounds
Taxiing at Brighton
Taking off from Brighton
One of many groups of lakes in Michigan
Intersection at I-94 and M-52 outside Chelsea
Chrylser Proving Grounds from the east
Chrylser Proving Grounds from the south
Coming in to Jackson
Parked on the grass at Jackson
View of DC-3 out the windshield. The restaurant is behind the tip of the wing where the picnic tables are.
If the DC-3 wasn't there we would have parked right up close to the restaurant.
View of us under wing of DC-3
Pontiac Trail and Five Mile - our house is the double-roofed one in the trees just below the middle.
The landfill in our township - one of the largest in Michigan. The hill itself is about 3/4 of a mile square or just over 1/2 square mile in area. (Aug '07)